Original Bliss

Gleissendes Glück

by Sven Taddicken

Germany, 2016, 101 mins

Print source: Picture Tree International, Berlin, Germany, T +49 304 208 248 14, Fax +49 304 208 248 12, pti@picturetree-international.com. www.picturetree-international.com,Sandrine Vergneau,  Festival Coordinator, cell +49 176 8337 1758, sandrine@picturetree-international.com

Motivation, FIPRESCI Prize at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2016: “This is a daring, provocative, wholly original film, disturbing yet miraculously romantic, which never ceases to surprise. The director’s thematic and artistic ambition is matched by narrative playfulness, and delivered by a trio of exemplary performances.”