25th Torino Film Festival
Italy, November 23 - December 1 2007
The jury
Eva af Geijerstam (Sweden), Josefina Sartora (Argentina), Ossama Rezk (Egypt), Mariano Morace (Switzerland), Élise Domenach (France)
Awarded films
The Railroad by
Park Heung-Sik
(South Korea, 2006, 107 mins)
- An Encounter with Park Heung-sik By Élise Domenach by Élise Domenach
- Wim Wenders Retrospective: An Integrated Encounter By Josefina Sartora by Josefina Sartora
- Four from Torino By Eva af Geijerstam by Eva af Geijerstam
- The Panorama of Alina Marazzi By Mariano Morace by Mariano Morace
- Bard Breien's "The Art of Negative Thinking": An Opportunity Wasted By Ossama A. Rezk by Ossama Rezk
The Torino Film Festival (TFF) celebrated its 25th anniversary. What began as a showcase for young directors — the competition is still open only for first, second or in rare cases third long feature films — developed with the opening of “Museo Nazionale del Cinema” in 1996 into a perfect blend of living film history and the making of film history.
The festival centers around the Mole Antonelliana, Torino’s beautiful landmark in which the impressive Film Museum and, across the street, the Massimo Multiplex Cinema are located. The constantly running festival bus takes you to and from the other main festival venue, the well equipped Ambrosio multiplex.
TFF is an audience-orientated festival. This year, the public queued up for 15 films in the competition picked up from all over the world: for some of the latest Italian films such as Francesca Comencini’s documentary In Fabbrica and Fabrizio Bentevoglio’s Lascia perdere, Johnny!; for sidebars of Italian shorts and documentaries; as well as for prescreenings of films waiting for their Italian premiere, such as the closing film Eastern Promises by David Cronenberg.
The close ties with the Film Museum meant not only complete retrospectives of Wim Wenders and of John Cassavetes as director, and a pick of the latter as an actor, but also as an highlight a sidebar called “L’amore degli inizi”, Love in the Beginning.
Nanni Moretti, first year director of the festival, played a very active part in making this a special occasion. Following the rare screenings of the first films of Francesco Rosi (The Challenge — La Sfida), Florestano Vancini (The Long Night of ’43 — La lunga notte del ’43), Paolo and Vittorio Taviani (A Man for Burning — Un uomo de bruciare, together with Valentino Orsini), Tinto Brass (Who Works is Lost — Chi lavora è perduto) and Gianfranco de Bosio (The Terrorist — Il Terrorista), Nanni Moretti had long conversations with the directors on stage. The freshness of the films — all from the end of the 50s and the early 60s — became a surprise for the younger as well as the older in the audience.
If Nanni Moretti, who has signed a two years contract as the director of TFF, will repeat a sidebar like this in 2008 is still not clear. Clear however is that TFF will keep its profile of taking a close look at films, no matter when they are made. Special exhibitions at the Film Museum, this year devoted to Marco Ferreri and photographer Carole Bellaïche, completes the show. (Eva af Geijerstam)