The jury
Giuseppe Sedia (Italy), Sven Hollebeke (Belgium), Britt Sørensen (Norway)
Awarded films
The Truffle Hunters by
Michael Dweck Gregory Kershaw
(Italy, Greece, USA, 2020, 84 min)
The jury justified the decision:
“Truffle hunting is an exclusionary activity par exellence. But the film is the opposite. It invites a broad audience to a heartfelt meeting with the carriers of an old lifestyle, now suspended between tradition and innovation, or – alternatively – destruction. Luckily enough, many of the secrets of truffle hunting still remain untold at the end of this slow-paced but charming documentary. It is jazzed up with some dog’s point of view shots and human characters more interesting than any screenwriter could have written them. The delightful take on their personality and relation with their dogs will both touch you and make you laugh out loud.”