Austin Ming Han HSU
Film Critic, Taiwan
Austin Ming Han Hsu is an art and film critic based in Taipei. He serves as the Chairman
of the Taiwan Film Critics Society (for the term 2025-2026) and was the chief editor of
Film Appreciation Journal (from 2014 to 2017). He holds a master’s degree in Social
Research and Cultural Studies from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University and a
PhD in Fine Arts from Taipei National University of the Arts. His curatorial projects
include Spine of Spectrum (2014), Photoionization (2016), and Momentum Museum
(2023). He has also participated in several international workshops, including the Doctoral
Workshops EARN @ dOCUMENTA(13) in 2012, the Venice Research Pavilion #3 in
2019. Hsu manages his online film criticism platform called Rhizome-Cinema and co-
founded a curatorial lab called Fabrika.