Frank Arnold
Film Critic, Germany
Frank Arnold studied social sciences and works as a film critic since the mid-seventies, currently regularly for epd Film, TIP Berlin, Die Rheinpfalz and Filmbulletin. He was an editor at the German film encyclopaedia CineGraph and lecturer at the FU Berlin. He also conceived and organized film retrospectives in Berlin at the cinemas Arsenal and Zeughauskino, at the cinema Metropolis in Hamburg, the KoKi Mannheim and the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen. Numerous works for the Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek (now Filmmuseum Berlin). Essays for anthology books and media books. Books as author and co-editor: The Late Late Show – 25 Other Faces from Hollywood, and on Sam Peckinpah, Steven Soderbergh and Don Siegel. Lives in Berlin.