Ignazio Senatore

Film Critic, Italy

Psychiatrist at the “Federico  II” university in Naples, President and founder of the “Arts, Music, Theater, Cinema and mass media” division of the Italian Psichiatry Association (Società italiana di Psichiatria, SIP). Journalist and editor since 2006. Writes for the Segno Cinema magazine and for Il Corriere del Mezzogiorno. Movie critic , member of the Italian National Film Critics Association. Artistic Director and founder of the international short film event “Short movies on the couch: Cinema and psychoanalysis”. Author of many essays concerning the relationship between cinema and psychoanalysis and of interview books with Lina Sastri, Giuliana De Sio, Lando Buzzanca, Alvaro Vitali e i registi Faenza, Piccioni, Luchetti, D’Alatri, Calopresti e Del Monte. Creator of the website www.cinemaepsicoanalisi.com.