Mateusz Tarwacki
Born in 1993. Film critic. He graduated with a specialization in “visual culture” at the Institute of Polish Culture of the University of Warsaw. He published, among others, on the Notebook for 6 Weeks and in the scientific magazine View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture. Since March 2018, he has been running a bilingual website dedicated to cinema:
He deals with artistic cinema – neomodernism, works created by women and socially involved cinema. Having experience of a viewer, equal to every other recipient, is most important for him.
Cinephile. In 2019 alone, he participated in nine film festivals (including the Locarno Film Festival, New Horizons International Film Festival and the International Warsaw Film Festival).
Georgiana Mușat
Georgiana Mușat is a film critic established in Bucharest. She just finished the Film Studies M.A. at the “I.L. Caragiale” National University of Theatre and Film. She is a weekly columnist for Scena9 and also collaborates with Acoperișul de Sticlă, Films in Frame, FILM Magazine, and is one of the authors of Realitatea Ficțiunii. Ficțiunea Realului, as well as Romanian Cinema Inside Out: Insights on Film Culture, Industry and Politics 1912-2019. Currently working on various video essays and her thesis on female robots.
Diana Smeu
Diana Smeu is a student of Screenwriting and Films Studies at the National University of Theatre and Film in Bucharest. She collaborates as a film critic with Acoperișul de Sticlă, AperiTIFF, Festivalists and FILM MENU, where she also organises screenings and moderates discussions. She coordinates the annual SUPER film workshop for teenagers. She is currently researching the influence of the Hindi films in Romania during Communism. Alumni of Sarajevo Talents.
The Warsaw Critics Project 2020
Ghosts: Sharp on the Margins
The Thin Line between Reality and Imagination
Interviews: Going for Gold
Going for Gold: Let’s Settle with Them
Havel: Intimacy at the Origins of Democracy
Unidentified: Forgotten Differences Between Good and Bad
Spiral – Film review
Matriarchy in the East