
I.            Purpose of the Federation
II.           Members of the Federation
III.          Organs of the Federation
IV           Membership fees
V            Further Regulations
VI.          Provisional regulations of transition


Article 1
The organizations of professional film critics and film journalists, established in different countries for the promotion and development of film culture and for the safeguarding of professional interests, constitute the International Federation of the Cinematographic Press (Fédération Internationale de la Presse Cinématographique – FIPRESCI) – an institution founded on the 6th of June 1930.

Article 2
The purpose of the Federation is to develop, on an international scale, the activities of its members, as they are described in article 1, and particularly: 
1. To safeguard the freedom and ethics of film criticism and film journalism and of information. 
2. To promote and expand the idea of the cinema as a means of artistic expression and of cultural education.
3. To discuss, define and confirm the specific rights and obligations of film criticism and journalism. 
4. To encourage the exchange of ideas and experience among film critics and film journalists of all countries and thereby create, outside all ideological and political distinctions, a new foundation for a permanent dialogue.
5. To publish and distribute all the documents which accord with this view.

Article 3
The official languages of the Federation are English and French.


Article 4
1. The Federation is constituted of national organizations. All such national organizations have the same rights and the same obligations.
2. By this means each national organization is considered to be the National Section of the FIPRESCI. Each National Section has one vote at the meetings and manifestations of the Federation.
3. As a rule, National Sections should be made up by one organization only, satisfying the terms stipulated in the present statute.
4. In exceptional cases, a maximum of two organizations can be affiliated to FIPRESCI within a National Section.

Article 5
1. The Federation is constituted and organized for professional film journalists and film critics. 
2. The affiliated organizations are obliged to write into their respective statutes a minimum definition of film journalism as for example the following: “Every person contributing regularly film journalism or film criticism to daily papers or periodicals, to cultural magazines, specialized or not, to radio or television, or to electronic publications in as far as they are published regularly and the contributors have the status of critics or journalists in their country”.
3. The affiliated institutions are obliged to write into their respective statutes that critics or journalists being involved, directly or indirectly, with publicity activities for companies of the film industry, cannot be accepted as members.

Article 6
1. The National Sections have to register those members who wish to take part in the activities of the Federation.
2. This registration must be supported by evidence confirming the qualifications defined by articles 2, 3 and 5 and by all necessary professional data.
3. Only registered members can participate at assemblies and other manifestations of the Federation.
4. Registration cannot be accepted if the persons wishing to take part in the activities of the Federation have a permanent or part time connection with production, distribution or advertising companies or institutions, or in films shot in recent years. Registration can be accepted conditionally if they have connections with film festivals where the Federation establishes a jury; in this case, they cannot be part of the Federation’s activities in those festivals.

Article 7
1. In countries where two organizations exist, satisfying the terms stipulated in the present statute and who ask for membership of the Federation, the affiliation of these organizations has to be effected by means of a National Section, joining together the different organizations of the country.
2. In this case, the respective National Section is equally made up of the organizations concerned and being equally entitled. They are obliged to discuss and decide together every subject regarding FIPRESCI. In case this coordination is not possible, for what reason ever, the General Secretary is authorized to decide the National Section’s representation in all manifestations of the Federation. 
3. The organizations concerned have to agree on only one vote for all items being discussed at the Federation and its meetings. Should they not obtain any agreement, their vote will be considered as null and void. In the absence of one of the institutions, the institution present will have the only right to vote.

Article 8
1. Film critics and film journalists in countries where there does not exist a National Section of FIPRESCI may join the organization on an individual basis. Their membership has to conform with all the relevant articles of this statute.
2. Whenever a qualified film critic or film journalist is prevented, for reasons that will appear legitimate to the Board of FIPRESCI, from joining a national section, he may join FIPRESCI as an individual member. His membership has to conform with all relevant articles of this statute.
3. Whenever a qualified film critic or film journalist, who is not a member of FIPRESCI, offers his help for a precise task of FIPRESCI, he can be accepted by the General Secretary as a temporary individual member for the length of his task, which should not be longer than six months. A person cannot be accepted more than once as temporary individual member. He should join FIPRESCI, through a national section or as regular individual member, if he wants to participate again in FIPRESCI activities.
4. The individual members of the Federation make up the “Section of the individual members”, which is considered as one National Section.

Article 9
The Board of FIPRESCI decides on every application for membership. Candidates unanimously accepted immediately receive the benefits of membership. Candidates not having been accepted unanimously are presented by the Board, with due objections, to the General Assembly which makes the final decision.

Article 10
1. Each National Section must provide the Federation regularly with updated information on its members and its national board, on changes of its statutes and other essential items. In particular, each National Section must inform the Federation bi-annually on its main activities.
2. Individual members have to substantiate their professional activities regularly.

Article 11
The Federation is defined as consisting of:
1. The Presidency
2. The General Secretariat
3. The Directors of Departments
4. The Board
5. The General Assembly 
6. The Advisory Committee

Article 12 
1. The President represents FIPRESCI in all matters. He is supported in his activities by two Vice-presidents. 
2. The President and the two Vice-Presidents are elected for two years, and may be reelected immediately only once in a row. They cannot be of the same nationality.
3. The candidatures for the Presidency and the Vice-Presidency must be given, in writing, to the General Secretary, by a date published in the circular of the Federation. They are made known to the members a month before the General Assembly.

Article 13
1. The General Secretary is in charge of the General Secretariat, the permanent structure of the Federation, supported by the Directors of Departments. His particular tasks are:
a. to carry out all actual work of the Federation
b. to carry out the tasks and decisions of the Board
c. to administer the funds of the Federation
d. to prepare the bulletin of information and the circulars addressed to members
e. to ensure that the statutes and the regulations are being respected.
At each General Assembly the Secretary General presents the financial report and a report on the activities of the Federation.
2. The Head Office of the Federation is based in the town where the General Secretary resides.
3. The General Secretary is appointed by the General Assembly on the proposition of the Board or of the National Sections. His nomination is valid for a period of two years, thereafter automatically confirmed.
4. On the proposal of the General Secretary, the board of Fipresci may decide in some occasion to ask the General Assembly to elect a Deputy General Secretary for two years to assist him in his tasks. 
5. The Deputy General Secretary may be reelected for similar periods of two years following again the procedure of article 13.4.

Article 14
1. Directors of Departments are appointed in order to assist the General Secretary. They are in charge of special tasks defined by the General Secretary. Special tasks might be regular publications, the Federation’s public relations, legal questions, the representation of various geographical regions, specialized professional questions or any other essential item which conforms with the purposes of the Federation. 
2. The Directors of Departments are nominated by the Board, on the proposal of the General Secretary, for a period of two years. They can be re-confirmed in their functions.

Article 15
1. The Board constitutes the management body of the Federation. It develops the program of activity within the Federation and regulates its implementation.
2. The Board is made up by the President, the two Vice-presidents and the General Secretary, with the addition of the Deputy General Secretary whenever there is one. The Directors of the Departments participate in a consultative function and can vote only in matters concerning their special task. 
3. In case of equality of votes, the President has the casting vote.

Article 16
1. The General Assembly is the supreme institution of the Federation: in all matters it constitutes the final jurisdiction on decisions made. Within the limits of the statutes, the Assembly can make decisions on every subject and particularly:
a. discuss and approve the guide-lines of the Federation’s activities
b. discuss and approve the yearly written reports of activity of the President, the Vice-presidents and the General Secretary , with the addition of the Deputy General Secretary whenever there is one. 
c. withdraw the mandates given to the elected members of the Board
d. settle possible controversies 
e. give an authentic interpretation of the spirit embodied in the statutes for matters not covered in the statutes themselves
f. Admit or exclude members
g. Decide on moral sanctions. 
2. The General Assembly should take place every year. It is called by the Board. Its agenda is made known one month in advance to the members. During the course of the Assembly no matter, not being already included on the agenda, can be discussed except in case of consent by a majority of the representatives. 
3. a. The General Assembly is composed of the President, the Vice-presidents, the General Secretary, the Deputy General Secretary whenever there is one, the Directors of Departments and the delegates of the National Sections as well as the delegates of the “Section of individual members”. A delegation of votes is not possible. The names of the delegates attending the Assembly must be given written to the General Secretary in advance and by a date published in the circular of the Federation.
b. The directors of departments have a consultative function at the General Assembly and may vote only if they are also representing a National Section. For the elections to the board, board members who are again candidates to another board position cannot vote.
4. The resolutions made by the Assembly are obtained by a majority of the votes of members of the Assembly being present at the time. The ballots can be secret if three of the National Sections demand it. In case of equality in voting, the matters in question are resolved negatively. The withdrawing of mandates, the dissolution and the transformation of the Federation, as well as the alteration of the statutes, can not be adopted except by two thirds of the votes expressed.
5. In case the General Assembly does not approve the reports given by the members of the Board, the concerned members have to ask for a vote of confidence. Their mandates can be withdrawn only if two thirds of the votes require it.
6. The Board may call an Extraordinary Meeting. This has to be done on the written request of at least one third of the National Sections. 
7. Between General Assemblies, the General Secretary may ask the Board to consult directly the National Sections by postal or electronic voting instead of waiting for the next General Assembly, except in matters related to the aim of the Federation, the principal conditions for membership, and the dissolution of the Federation.

Article 17. 
The Advisory Committee may be consulted by the Board or the General Secretary in order to advise them whenever needed. Members of the Advisory Committee are proposed by the National Sections to the General Secretary who may then decide to propose them to the Board; if the Board endorses their nomination, they might then be appointed by the General Assembly without any time limit. The Advisory Committee may count three to ten members.


Article 18.
The annual membership fees paid by the sections and by the individual members are determined by the General Assembly on proposition of the General Secretary.

Article 19.
All National Sections or all individual members not paying one year’s membership fees cannot participate in the activities of the Federation, are not allowed to vote and cannot be elected unless a specific clearance is exceptionally given by the General Assembly.

Article 20.
Each national section or every individual member failing to settle membership fees for three consecutive years will be considered as having resigned unless a specific clearance is exceptionally given by the General Assembly.

Article 21.
In the case of dissolution of the Federation the balance of funds will be paid to a worthy cinematic cause.


Article 22.
The Federation may give the titles of “Honorary President”, “Honorary Vice-President” or “Honorary Member” of FIPRESCI to persons who in its opinion appear to have significant positions in the international cinema press. The appointment is made by the General Assembly, on the proposal of the Board.

Approved by the General Assembly in Bari, 2013.