29th Montreal World Film Festival

Canada, August 24 - September 4 2006

The jury

Kirill Razlogov (Russia), Latika Padgaonkar (India), Maria Kornatowska (Poland), Ossama Rezk (Egypt), Francine Laurendeau ()

Awarded films

The World Film Festival, headed by Serge Losique, celebrated this time its 31st year. It offered a huge diversity of recent world cinema, culminating in two competitive sections, for world cinema, and for first films. Last year, the event lost some sponsors, however, it continued this year as if nothing had happened, and maintained its role as one of the leading festivals on the North American continent. The critics forming our jury awarded our prize to a Japanese film: A Long Walk by Eiji Okuda. The long walk is undertaken by a retired high school director who makes friends with a five-year-old girl, as lonesome and dissociated as he is.