58th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival

Czech Republic, June 28 - July 6 2024

Festival homepage

The jury

Louise Dumas (France), Mariam Schaghaghi (Germany), Thor Aaberg (Norway), Mihai Fulger (Romania), Sonya Vseliubska (Ukraine), Štěpánka Zapata (Czech Republic)

Awarded films

Crystal Globe competition winner, jury statement: “We experience human drama on the smallest scale possible, in the smallest cell of society. It’s a sparkling film – not only a star but a firework. We witness the birth of a grand filmmaker, with a first long feature that has already gone under the skin of everybody here, with its painfully accurate writing, its intensity, rawness, universality, “loveableness”, ugliness, and immense cinematic energy. It was our festival darling, our “elskling”: Loveable”.

Proxima competition winner, jury statement: “The prize goes to a powerful debut feature that boldly reveals the fragility hidden in all human endeavors. This outstanding documentary is not afraid to let the light and darkness fight not only on the thematic level but also on the formal one. It depicts a battle with an invisible enemy thousands of miles from Karlovy Vary, but it also recalls the wars around us”.