Marcelo Ikeda

Film Critic, Brazil

Marcelo Ikeda is a lecturer in the cinema department at Federal University of Ceará (UFC, Fortaleza, Brazil). He has a PhD in Communication from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE, Recife, Brazil). He is a member of the Brazilian Film Critics Association (Abraccine) and maintains the website. He published articles in journals such as Film Quarterly and Aniki and wrote several books on cinema (all in Portuguese), such as Cinema de garagem (2011), Cinema brasileiro a partir da retomada (2015) and Fissuras e fronteiras (2019). In adittion, he directed short films, such as O posto (2005), Carta de um jovem suicida (2008) and O homem que virou armário (2015) and has also been a curator for Brazilian film festivals, such as Mostra do Filme Livre, Circuito Penedo de Cinema and Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro.