Rosana G. Alonso

Film Critic, Spain

Graduated in Journalism at UPV/EHU (Basque Country, Spain), completed postgraduate studies, in the cultural field, in the Istitut Europeo di Design and University Charles III of Madrid (UC3M). With a multidisciplinary background, she developed StyleFeelFree (SFF magazine) in 2010, an international cultural publication for Spanish-speaking that seeks to measure, since the informative independence and self-management, the temperature to a present time full of manifest paradoxes in the identity processes. From this platform, she collaborates with universities and Colleges instructing students in writing and analysis processes. Also, she has a long career as an opinion writer on Art and, especially, alternative and auteur cinema, attending a gender perspective that seeks to promote equality. This has led her to cover International Film Festivals like IFFR (Rotterdam), Venice Film Festival, Cannes and Berlin, among others.