Klaus Eder Resigns as General Secretary

Dear colleagues,

It’s time to say good bye. I will resign as your General Secretary. The reason ? The age. The health. The daily business got unmanageable and did almost not leave any space for personal contacts, for new ideas, for reflection.

Probably I was too long in office. I don’t complain. I had a wonderful time. I could live my passion to see movies, and I could help my colleagues to live their passion. If there was, around our juries, a feeling of friendship and familiarity, then it was intended.

Of course I’m sad. There are so many activities that I still wanted to do. However, I’ve a great means of comfort: the cinema. It’s still like my home and I can now catch up on all the films I had to miss.

Apologies for all the mistakes I made. To compose juries is still a hell of a job. If some colleagues could attend festivals thanks to our efforts, then we did our job.

It’s time to say goodbye.

All my best wishes.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.
May God be with you.
Yours, Klaus Eder

Anne Brishoual leaves as well. Deepest thanks goes to Anne Brishoual who run our office. Without her commitment, reliability, enthusiasm the work couldn’t be done. Anne is leaving as well. She writes:

My deepest thanks to you my dear Klaus, I had a great time working with you and I think we did a good job together over the last 25 years! I always admired your commitment and the time you dedicated to FIPRESCI.

I take this opportunity to say goodbye as well. I had the pleasure to meet some of you at the FIPRESCI General Assembly, specially in Italy. I will miss you all and thank you for your friendly support all over the years.

Now I am going to enjoy a full “retirement” on the seaside in Brittany.

With my best wishes,
Au revoir

Klaus Eder, FIPRESCI General Secretary 1987 – 2024
+49 172 850 3 02 (sms, WhatsApp keder@fipresci.org)
From 2025: +49 172 850 53 02 keder@cinejournal.com

Anne Brishoual, FIPRESCI Office (1999 – 2024)
+33 760 517 315 brishoual@fipresci.org 
From 2025: +33 760 517 315 annie.brishoual@gmail.com