General Assembly 2024 preliminary Agenda

The assembly will take place in Budapest, the Hungarian capital, on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, from 9:30 h to 18 h (local time). The place will be communicated later.

1. Greetings by Ahmed Shawky, President, and Klaus Eder, General Secretary. Presentation of the delegates.

2. Statement of the General Secretary

3. Activities of the Federation.
Reports of the General Secretary and of the members of the board.

4. The New Statute. As discussed earlier, our statute needs urgently to be adapted to today’s conditions and requirements. It needs to face the current situation of the Federation, in particular in view of the leaving of the decades-long general secretary. A draft will be presented to the assembly.

5. Projects 2024/2025
In particular juries, special awards and events, among them the 100th anniversary of our federation.

6. Any Other Business
The detailed material for the topics of the agenda is being prepared and will be sent to the delegates around one week / ten days before the assembly.

Munich, August 11, 2024
Klaus Eder
Uploaded on August 11, 2024