Nace Zavrl

Film Critic, Slovenia

Nace Zavrl is a doctoral student at Harvard University, working on issues in postwar transnational cinema, historiography, and globalization. Before arriving at the Department of Art, Film, and Visual Studies, he completed a master’s thesis on the concept of digital data compression in the Visual Cultures department at Goldsmiths, University of London. Nace holds a bachelor’s degree in Film Studies from King’s College London, and has written on film and experimental media for Afterimage, Senses of Cinema, the Moving Image Review and Art Journal, and NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies. He is a regular contributor to Radio Študent, KINO!, and Ekran magazine in Slovenia, where he also works as a sometime critic and curator of contemporary art. Organizing and presenting at international symposia, Nace was the recipient of the Masoud Yazdani Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Film Scholarship in 2017. More recently, he is the editor of The Resistance-Image: Militant Documentary on the Battlefields of May ’68, published by the Slovenian Cinematheque.